In evidenza

Convegno Internazionale di Storia della Contabilità – 6th International Conference on Luca Pacioli in Accounting History
Il 7-8-9 Novembre 2019 si terrà a Napoli il Convegno Internazionale di Storia della Contabilità – 6th International Conference on Luca Pacioli in Accounting History Da parte del Comitato Scientifico del Convegno i links alla call for papers: [...]
The Enterprise as an Element of European Identity
THE ENTERPRISE AS AN ELEMENT OF EUROPEAN IDENTITY Franco Amatori The European enterprise has been an object of study and research since when, with the creation of the Common Market, Europe started to be perceived as a unitary subject. The first research started in the 60s when a Harvard Business School team applied the Chandlerian “Strategy and Structure” approach to test for convergence between Europe (UK, Germany, France and Italy) and the United States as related to the form of enterprise. More or less, the test was successful but it’s important to remember the qualifying phrase: more or less. Often, the same words did not correspond to the same reality. Words like headquarters, CEO, and middle management sometimes had different connotations. This preliminary research ended in[...]

Workshop 2016

Montedison e la travagliata storia della chimica italiana

12 ottobre 2016 h. 17:30, Milano Università Bocconi Aule seminari Montedison e la travagliata storia della chimica [...]

Pro e contro la politica industriale

28 settembre 2016 h. 17:30, Milano Università Bocconi Aule seminari Pro e contro la politica industriale Coordin [...]

Insights in Quantitative Italian and European Business and Economic History

9 marzo 2016, Fiesole Istituto Universitario Europeo Villa Schifanoia Insights in Quantitative Italian and European [...]

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